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Pain and Separation

A tigress roamed with fearless might,
Her strength, a flame, fierce and bright.
None dared to touch her cubs at play,
For she was queen—none stood in her way.

But when she left to hunt and roam,
She found no cub when she came home.
Her heart, once bold, began to break,
A fragile roar, a silent ache.

She saw her strength could not control,
The way life moves, beyond her role.
No longer does she question God,
No longer does she fight or blame.

Instead, she learned how she react is in her hand—
How to heal, how to stand.
Not through anger, not through fear,
And in her stillness, she will find,
The power of a peaceful mind.

Beyond Hopes and Fears

Intense pain makes me forget,
Everything drops down from my head.
Pain of separation broke down the wall,
Beyond hopes and fears,
I am certain the banana is near.

Where have you gone

Where have you gone, where have you gone?
I close my eyes, no vision, no pillar to hold on,
No one inside me, only empty space.

What about the days I spent in chanting and prayers?
All has evaporated.
I am fearful to be free, to stand alone.
I cry like a child,
Need your guidance to stay, to carry on.
Where have you gone, where have you gone?

The Inner Guide

Someone in me waiting for long,
His pain is immense but will is strong.
He patiently watches me all the time,
He guides me, trains me for tougher moves.

How close… yet so far,
Hope my failures do count.
Cannot go back, cannot stop.
I cross the ocean, which is impossible—
He says I can.

Difficult to Stay Apart

It is difficult to live with you,
Impossible to stay apart.
I won’t surrender in helplessness and fear.
Each time, you have to win my heart.

I have to be truthful to myself,
This cannot be wrong.
Pain is there,
Separation is the need of time.

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