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Oh Fearless One

A few days back I went to get my MRI done for the spine. My daughter accompanied me, although I told her it is no big deal, I can go alone.  But the doctor wanted someone with the patient, there the technician asked me to lie down for the scan, and very confidently I did that. The machine took me into a close compact. Suddenly, I felt that I am in a coffin, felt breathlessness, and restlessness. I asked them to take me out immediately.

I was surprised by my condition, after 10 years of mediation practice I could not manage such a small thing. More difficult was to think of how everyone could manage it easily?

The technician asked me to breathe deeply. I laughed at myself. I asked him that how long it would take to complete the scan. He said, “30 minutes”. I decided to get it done without making a big issue out of it. I took a few minutes to mentally prepare myself and lied down again.

There was no phone, no music, and no work to distract my mind. It was just me alone. I realized how easy it is to close our eyes while sleeping and meditating. But now my body was shivering and feeling that I am stuck in a coffin. I was praying to my spiritual master to help me to stable my mind. It was difficult to push myself to close my eyes and more difficult to open my eyes and watch myself in a box. Somehow I managed and was relieved to come out. It was not at all easy. 

Ever since my near-death experience, often at midnight suddenly I wake up and watch infinite darkness with open eyes. It is not comfortable to be in it for long. I feel breathless and restless. I immediately push myself out of the bed to switch on the room light. Some days I am not afraid of dark but other days I am.

I discussed my experience with my teacher. He said, “Observe whatever is there inside”. Firstly, it is not easy to see what is going inside us and secondly, more difficult to be with it, to observe. There are many fears, discomforts, and restlessness hidden inside us and it is not easy to stay with it. Then how to overcome it, I don’t know? 

A few days later, I went for a walk in the park in the evening. I saw a pigeon on the ground that could not fly. People had kept water and lots of food around him but the pigeon was not eating. I saw two ladies around him trying to get some help. I asked the lady, “What are you planning to do with this bird? “

She told me that the concerned person has asked us to keep the pigeon on a high wall to keep him safe. She was afraid to hold him, so I was. I knew how birds could react to the human touch, had some experience from before. I went close to the bird, hesitantly I touched the bird and was amazed. The bird had no resistance. Maybe the bird wanted help.

I hold him and found no injuries on his body. I tried to place him on a high platform but felt there was no place saver for him.  Without much thinking, I decided to take him home. Holding the bird in my hand I started walking towards my home. I thought it must be uncomfortable for him that he could not move at all but he was so relaxed. I placed him on the balcony and kept water and food for him.

The next morning, when I opened the door, the bird walked into my room comfortably as the owner of the house. He was enjoying but still could not fly. I thought “Why this little bird is not afraid of anything?”

He was not eating and drinking anything and limping occasionally. It came to me that he might be an aged old pigeon. He was meditating with me rather I was meditating with him. I was enjoying his company.  

In the evening I send him back to the balcony and there was no resistance from him again. In the late evening, while I was watching television, he was comfortably sitting in silence and relaxing. I watched him through the window.

I was eager to meet him the next morning. When I opened the door he started taking quick small circles to express his happiness.

We again enjoyed each other’s company. In the afternoon I brought water close to his beak but he closed his eyes and turned his head on the other side. The next early morning, it was the first day of Navratri, I found him dead peacefully.  I buried him in the park. He deeply touched me, why? I could not understand.


We are so good at making big buildings and software apps,

So advance our beautiful clothes,

We develop the taste, how better we communicate,

Certainly, we are progressive and superior,

But they know how to stay silent for long, to be more inside.

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. 🕉
    यद्यपि यह हमारी सनातन पद्दति का नवीन वर्ष नहीं है तथापि अपनी सनातनी पद्दति के मूल मंत्र ” वसुधैव कुटुम्बम” की भावना को आत्मसात करते हुए अंग्रेजी नूतन वर्ष 2022 के शुभ आगमन पर मैं आपके परिवार की प्रगति, यश, प्रतिष्ठा, सम्मान, सुख सम्पदा एवं दीर्घायु के लिए परम पिता परमेश्वर से मंगल कामना करता हूँ।
    पुनः इन्हीं शुभ कामनाओं के साथ आंग्ल नूतन वर्ष की हार्दिक बधाईयांँ और हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ।

  2. Such a heart warming story and a wonderful narration. I could feel the calmness and silence of Pigeon being transmitted to me 🌺

  3. Very Good to read total caring the Pigeon in its last days and performed its last rites also, God Bless you

  4. It’s so natural that everyone wants to be loved, cared and feel secured in the surroundings they are in. Beautifully done and felt so good

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