How beautiful is the word "self-centered"—to be truly "established in the self." I take it…
In conversation with Master
Per H. Wibe has been pursuing meditation and spiritual practise since 1975. He lived an ordinary household life. This has given him personal experience and insight into the life and problems of the modern human being. Master Per started to give initiations in Kriya in 1997. He teaches in a practical and simple way, endurably taking his students to the essence.
- What is Kriya yoga?
PER- It is a simple and effective meditation technique. We use breath and attention at different energy centres in the spine. The purpose of the practice is to build more silence and awareness. Through its regular practice, one feels connected to the inner self. Even one practice makes a difference.
-How to identify the true Guru?
Per – Many seekers believe that the Guru is a person. The Guru is within, in the consciousness. Our belief that the guru is a person leads to the loss of time and energy. The seekers become more interested in the person than in their own spiritual efforts.
- What is the role of the outer guru?
Per- Human teachers can inspire us through their life. They are pointers, milestones, who direct disciples to find the Guru inside. He might teach you some techniques and inspire you to practise.
- Master, why do good people meet so much resistance and difficulties in life, even when one has a good intention?
Per- One violin is not enough to create the beauty and harmony of an orchestra. Also, difficult experiences help us to discover “inner discomfort”, and what needs to be done.
- Master, what is faith and surrender?
Per – Silence is the seed. Faith and surrender are the fruits of the same tree. A silent mind has compassion and forgiveness as its inner condition; not a theory, not a concept.
- Master, what is the purpose of life?
Per- Simply feeling good inside in daily life is heaven on earth. Life is an unspoken agreement between the Creator and each of us. No place to run. The silence does not escape itself but our biggest strength to face ourselves. Silence in activity is the greatest.
- Master, is it possible not to have stress?
Per – One is stressed because one wants the results quickly, in accordance to your own thinking and desires. Everyone and everything is perfect; like all the stages of a growing flower, it is perfect. If not, it cannot bloom. But this understanding has to be earned from within.
- Master, if everything is perfect, then why would one make an effort to change, to improve?
Per- It is not like that either. In silence one becomes aware. Awareness gives you the capacity to observe. Observation gives the capacity to accept, and acceptance gives the strength to make changes.
Master, we are eager to solve our problems, we get into discussion, analyse, and forget to observe and practise.
Per – That is the only difference between student and teacher, is the focus. The teacher’s focus is inside to solve all the problems while student attention is outside and the duality continues. Outer conflict is the reflection of inner conflict.
- Master, what is duality?
Per – Duality is a product of the mind “Thoughts”. Often related to our inner fears and conflicts. At the same time, duality creates energy, the power to move and grow.
- Master, how does duality help us to grow?
Per- All the creation; our existence is possible due to duality. If one is aware, then duality works in your favour rather than against us.
- Master, please explain more?
Per – 1. After fulfilling desires and experiencing the same unfulfillment again and again, the mind takes us back to one point only. To go inside to find true happiness and balance.
2. The restless thoughts push one to react; and if you react, then you get caught in the chain of actions and reactions. By observing, it takes the mind to even more silence. Thoughts need to be observed. When to follow them and when just to observe, the clarity happens when the mind is silent.
4. Silence is most attractive, it is the need of all the soul. Everyone wants to be in the company of silence.
5. Also, because of thoughts, we have made great discoveries and developments in the world.
- Master, how to observe when, I don’t know I am thinking; I
I cannot separate myself from the thoughts.
Per – Silence is needed to observe. And through observation, we get more silence. Techniques help in achieving that.
- Master, how is the observation different from analysing?
Per – In observation, one is not judging, arguing and fighting; as result, one gets inner clarity and certainty while analysing leads to more confusion.
- Master, how to increase the intensity?
Per – Let it be love, let it be crying for the truth, let it be any form of mediation. Through own experiences in life, one comes to a point when one knows that nothing from outside can satisfy the inner longing; then one is unstoppable. A little practice every day gradually increases our desire, the intensity.
- Master, how did you attain so much of silence?
PER- I worked for a long time. My starting point was weak. I wanted to improve many things in my life. I was systematic in the practise. I used to attend longer retreats as often as possible. While going for walks, I used the opportunity to meditate. This became a habit. I took short meditation breaks during the working hours in my daily life. I wrote my daily realisations. I got up early in the middle of the night to practise. This went on for 15 years.
How do you meditate while walking.
The interview was so right for me right now. Thank u and please thank Master,and give him my love.Iwill not go for the September retreat now but will do the Delhi one in winter.
In the initial stage of meditating while walking you can start counting your steps from x point to y point while walking. Keeping a track by counting the number of steps you have taken.
While walking, we take a stop after some time for a few seconds and observe our breathe and again continue walking.